Today October 22, 2023, we celebrate the Feast of Saint John Paul II, the Patron Saint of the Minor Seminary St John Paul II of Gikongoro Diocese. The festivities began with the Celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass presided by Msgr Eugène Dushimurukundo, the Rector of the Seminary and the Vicar General of the Most Reverend Célestin Hakizimana, the Bishop of Gikongoro Diocese.

This Feast being also the feast of the Seminary St John Paul II was attended by many guests, among them the priests, the religious, civil authority representatives, most importantly the parents of the Seminarians and the Seminarians themselves.

After the Celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, joyful songs and dances by Seminarians followed. The guests and the seminarians were very happy and after those festivities, there was a reception for the Seminarians, their parents and other guests.