Caritas Gikongoro in partnership with Trocaire and European Unions is implementing in Nyaruguru District the project of Enhancing the capacity and participation of small scale farmers and civil society organizations in decision making and governance processes related to sustainable agriculture and food security in Rwanda aiming at promoting effective participation of small scale farmers (particularly women) and civil society organisations in the development, implementation and monitoring of agricultural policies and strategies.
Training and technical accompaniment to the target communities to conduct food security vulnerability and risk mapping and analysis is one of the project activities. In that context Caritas Gikongoro has supported the targeted communities to carry out the food security vulnerability analyses and risk mapping where villages have identified issues of food insecurity in their villages and came up with priorities actions to respond to them. Malnutrition is one among others issues identified in some villages and the establishment of kitchen gardens was proposed as a coping solution in Kibeho, Mata, Muganza and Busanze sectors of Nyaruguru district.
Currently, Caritas Gikongoro is supporting the communities of Rwimbogo village in Kibeho sector and Ramba village in Mata sector to implement one of their priorities action of establishment of kitchen garden to improve their nutrition hence improve their food security through training demonstrations on different techniques of kitchen gardens for vegetables production (hilly kitchen garden, stoleyed kitchen garden, mandala garden,..) The demonstrations are provided to the community facilitators who will facilitate in return ten households to replicate the techniques.The community will be supported with different varieties exotic and traditional vegetable seeds including beetroot, cabbages, carrots, onions and amaranths.